Register Your Cleanup Today!
Clean Valley Day Cleanup Is April 5-30, 2025!

​This valley-wide cleanup promotes respect and care for the beautiful community we share.
Pick your people. This is a fun team-building opportunity for corporations, civic organizations, and youth and church groups. Pick family and friends to join you or go solo.
Pick your spot – a park, playground, roadside, stream bank, or your own neighborhood.
Pick a date and time.
Be sure to register. All registered volunteers get FREE trash bags and gloves.
Thank you for helping to make our home a
cleaner, healthier place for all.

Assemble a group and decide when to pick up litter. Clean Valley Day starts
April 5, 2025. Clean Valley Day cleanups run through April 30!

On the registration form, please let us know when and where you will be cleaning up, and please give us 1 week to prepare your FREE supplies. We will have everything ready at our office for pick up at the time and date you designate.

Report your litter data here. This is an important step that helps us track litter and apply for funding to provide future supplies and programming. Also please share your cleanup photos. When you post about it on social media, please be sure to tag us.