Mark your calendars:
Clean Valley Council's Clean Valley Day Cleanup 2025 is April 5!
We welcome individuals and groups to volunteer for this annual spring cleanup.
This valley-wide cleanup promotes respect and cares for the beautiful community we share. It is a fun team-building opportunity for corporations, civic organizations, youth, and church groups. Pick your spot – a park, playground, roadside, stream bank, or your very own neighborhood and help get rid of the litter and make it a cleaner, healthier place for all. All volunteers are given FREE trash bags and gloves.
Get a group together and decide when to pick up litter in April. Clean Valley Day starts April 6, 2024!
You can let us know when and where you will be cleaning up on the registration form in block 2, and we’ll have all of your FREE supplies ready at our office for pick up.
Register your group here. Be sure to check off that you are part of the Clean Valley Day Cleanup.
Report your litter data here. This is a very important step that helps us track litter and apply for funding to provide future supplies and programming.